I am currently obsessed with...

This is just a place for me to ramble on about my most recent obsessions!! I have alot of passion in me and it has to go somewhere :D

(4/16/23) Right now I've been fully locked onto Steve Harrington, he is so nice to draw!!! I've put in more hours of drawing in the past week than so far all year it seems. It that bad??? Probably :/

I've been trying some of the other characters too, but he will always be number one <3

(7/7/23) Besties, So much has happened since I made this like???? ^^ That obsession stayed but also like??? Spiderman!!! I got back into the ps4 games right in time for the movies release so :D !!! But like,,, I also had no choice really??? I had no internet for almost a month, so spiderman on the ps4 it was